Free Trademark Search
Safeguard your name and identity from others seeking to use them.
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Try our carefully crafted search plans for the most comprehensive outcomes. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Search for your name, slogan or logo with the USPTO and all 50 States and receive a full detailed report based on similar trademarks across multiple classes and subclasses.
You need to know if someone is already using your mark even if they have not registered. Our Federal, State & Common Law search scours numerous sources to help you find it.
Includes everything from the Federal, State and Common Law Search, but also searches international databases including Canada, the U.K., the E.U. and WIPO.
Our easy, yet efficient 3-step trademark registration process minimizes the risk of conflict and maximizes your chances of success.
Our first step starts off with filling out the brief so we can learn about your identity and values.
Our expert team uses an AI search algorithm to conduct a thorough trademark search.
Our in-depth searches provide complete accuracy, and the reports are delivered digitally to you.
Our advanced search technology, powered by AI, is unmatched in identifying potential conflicts. Its specific search strategy ensures it does not overlook any details, and it can conduct thousands of searches per hour, providing better accuracy than a human. This allows us to promptly and efficiently identify potential conflicts that may go unnoticed by a human.
Get a trademark search to guard yourself from legal ramifications.
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